Monday, July 4, 2011

Rob Dyrdek`s Career

            As a little boy Rob had several fantasys as a kid such as a cowboy fantasy,a sharpshooter fantasy,and a soccer fantasy. But at the age of eleven he found skateboarding.And that was a fantasy he planned on following and he planned on becoming a pro skateboarder at the age of just 16!And like he planned he became a pro skateboarder at the age of 16.He moved to L.A because it is the skateboarding capitol.When he got to L.A he did his first DC video about skateboarding being illegal and kids had to pick locks and jump fences.And in that video he had a security gaurd named big black.Big black and Rob  became friends and they were invited to the gumball 2000 and DC sponsered them.They taped the whole ride and a tv producer saw it and he loved it.So they started a show called Rob&Big and when Big black had done the show for five years his wife had a baby and big black went to Texas to start his family.And Rob went off and started fantasy factory and that show was a huge success.

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