Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Netflix Raising Prices

   Netflix is raising there prices on membership charges from nine dollars to fifteen dollars.Netflix members are not very happy about this change and 793 people have voted that they are canceling their membership but 616 people have voted that they are keeping their membership.Because of this price rise blockbuster is getting their chance to come out of bankruptcy.Even though this price change is set to take change in September customers are canceling now and people say that Netflix just got greedy.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Anthony

                    For a while now there was a trial about a woman who was accused of killing her daughter.  The reason why people would say this is because she didn't report her daughter missing for a month.  During that month Casey continued to party,hang out with her boyfriend,and get tattoos.The girl`s remains were found  several blocks away from her house in the woods. Police couldn't discover the cause of death because the body was so decomposed and the police had to put together the evidence and the defense claimed that the girl drowned in the pool in the backyard. The body was discovered with duct tape on the skull.  Chloroform searches were found on the home computer.  Casey Anothony was caught in numerous lies.  She claims that she didn`t kill Caylee Anthony.  After the trial was finished she was found not guilty on all charges except lying to police.  If she didn`t kill Caylee Anthony then who did?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Internet Hits

      People have been making good videos since I could  remember.But now people have discovered other technology such as animation,HD,and digital editing and thanks to all that technology people have made very good videos.And they have made funny videos that have gotten millions of views from all over the world and those videos are the true Internet hits.But people have tried to replicate Internet hits and they have all failed.Because if you don`t make a good video you will not survive the world of YouTube.But people have survived YouTube and they have feed the ever growing request for great Internet videos.

Rob Dyrdek`s Career

            As a little boy Rob had several fantasys as a kid such as a cowboy fantasy,a sharpshooter fantasy,and a soccer fantasy. But at the age of eleven he found skateboarding.And that was a fantasy he planned on following and he planned on becoming a pro skateboarder at the age of just 16!And like he planned he became a pro skateboarder at the age of 16.He moved to L.A because it is the skateboarding capitol.When he got to L.A he did his first DC video about skateboarding being illegal and kids had to pick locks and jump fences.And in that video he had a security gaurd named big black.Big black and Rob  became friends and they were invited to the gumball 2000 and DC sponsered them.They taped the whole ride and a tv producer saw it and he loved it.So they started a show called Rob&Big and when Big black had done the show for five years his wife had a baby and big black went to Texas to start his family.And Rob went off and started fantasy factory and that show was a huge success.

Friday, July 1, 2011

U.S. versus Mexico

    A few days ago a soccer game went on to solve the competition between the U.S. and Mexico and there was a lot of people who preferred Mexico to win in that soccer game.There was poll for U.S and Mexico fans and the results of that poll were people preferred Mexico 4-1 over the U.S. And the results of that game were that Mexico won 4-2 in the game.And Mexico fans were extremely happy.And people now believe that Mexico is a better soccer team than the U.S but not everyone agrees with that statement.

legalizing skateboarding

Right now skateboarding is 95%  illegal, because of skateboarding stereotypes that people have created and now business owners are making their property private and illegal to skate on and  this is very bad news for skaters because 90% of skaters in the U.S are street skaters. But, pro skaters like Rob Dyrdek and his friends have several skateboarding foundations to help legalize skateboarding and Rob Dyrdek has created several skate parks simulating street environments and making them legal to skate on. Thanks to him he has helped legalize skateboarding. Also, he has given millions of skateboards to kids who cant afford skateboards.